Most people already have their minds made up about Miller Lite–you either love it, or you hate it. The haters have labeled Miller Lite as a “cheap watered down” beer that doesn’t stand up to other beers. Idiots. While I understand that there are better beers out there, I contend that Miller Lite is the best of the “majors” when it comes to beer.
It actually has a good color to it. When compared to the Michelobs and the Bud Lights of the world, its actually quite a bit darker. (Use your imagination here, and pretend that I have a picture of three beers, and one is darker than the others). There is no heavy alcohol taste to it, but there certainly is a flavor. The best that I could describe it is a natural Cheerio-oat-y flavor.
Miller Lite actually has a respectable 4.2 percent alcohol content. Yea, you thought it was less than that, didn’t you? Snob.
Guest Rating: 4.5 out of 5 poos
(Picture disclosure: this camera phone picture does not do this poo justice. I had 6 ML’s last night, and it looked like I poo-ed a partially digested squirrel)
Comment | LinkToday we have a special Double Deuce – Double Deuce! Two reviews of 22’s in one poo!
The Lagunitas Imperial Stout is fantastic. Great look, smell, and taste.
It tastes very rich and thick. None of the flavors are too overwhelming, and they’re balanced really well. It weighs a hefty 8.2% ABV, which is typical for imperial stouts, but this has so many flavors going on, you don’t get a heavy alcoholic taste. There wasn’t much carbonation, so no crazy head.
It’s almost as dark as our coke table, as you can see here. The aroma is exactly what you’d expect for an imperial stout.
Overall, the Lagunitas Imperial Stout is a fantastic brew. Great malty and roasty flavor. I’m a big fan of imperial stouts, and this is definitely going on my “if I’m in the mood for an imperial stout and this beer is available, then I’ll probably have one” list.
I’ll give it 4 out of 5 poos.
I’ll have to admit, I’ve had this one a few times before. It’s one of my favorites! This one is actually at the top of my “if I’m in the mood for an imperial stout and this beer is available, then I’ll probably have one” list. It’s really freakin’ good.
The Yeti Imperial Stout has a rich, thick, and malty taste. So thick, so dark, so complex. Much like the Lagunitas above, this one has so many different flavors going on. No one flavor sticks out, but they all come together so well. When I drink this one, I take a sip and let it sit around in my mouth for a little bit longer to try and absorb as many flavors as possible. The Yeti is really intense, but so easy to drink.
Like all imperial stouts, this has a high alcohol content, 9.5% ABV. The taste is so smooth, and so full of flavor, an overly alcoholic taste doesn’t slip in at all. You don’t notice the alcohol content until after you finish drinking the bottle…
Yeti Imperial Stout looks even darker than the Lagunitas Imperial Stout! It’s got a bit more carbonation, too, as you can see here with the large, thick, dark-brown head. I wasn’t expecting that much head when pouring it.
Yeti also has a lovely smell. A very malty, earthy aroma that just gets your taste buds ready for awesomeness.
Overall, I love the Yeti Imperial Stout! It’s really rich, thick, dark, and tasty. I highly recommend trying it if you see it somewhere. Definitely a 5 out of 5 poos!
(Note: There’s also an Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout, which I tried before and tasted very similar. The Oak Aged Yeti had some very mild oak and vanilla flavors, if I recall correctly. Perhaps I’ll have to try that one again later.)
I drank both of those 22’s last night, and here’s what ultimately came of them this morning…
Much like the beers, dark, thick and smooth. It all came out pretty quickly. It did make the pee look a little light, so the darkness of the poo really shows.
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